
Monday, April 30, 2012

2 blankets and a package

This past weekend was a whirlwind of chaos and fun.
I will talk more about it later this week. 

Here is a non- weekend related post, but about a package I sent out last week.
(I already got a picture, that they received it, so it was time to share)

Our friend, T was pregnant for what seemed like forever
She has a daughter who is 3 and called her new brother spidey while in mommy's belly

So of course I had to make this "spidey" blanket for the new baby

This blanket was very easy. It is very similar to a normal zig zag crochet blanket just in the round

where you make a peak by doing 2  dc (double crochet) ch 2 2 dc in the same spot
or a dip (valley) when you skip two stitches

The black is all sc (single crochet)
It is a very very easy blanket to make.

So onto blanket number 2
I had to make a blanket for the toddler as well
The toddler just got a big girls room and I had to match it

her mom and dad did such an awsome job on her big girl room

I used a varigated pink and lime green yarn that I loved

The stitch is just a basic "puff stitch" 
this puff stitch = 1 sc 3 ch 3 dc
you work the puffs in the ch 3 spaces
I added a pink ruffled trim to make it girly,  which is 4 rows of sc and a scallop stich
scallop stitch = 5 dc in one space

Here are the kiddos with there blankets.
This is  always my favorite part when I make things

What have you made lately?


This post is linking up this week, check the above tab where I party


  1. Wow! That Spiderman blanket is awesome! I love your daughter's too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I never would have thought about the web pattern, but you are right.. and you nailed it with the colors! Great job!

  3. Wow! I am actually in the process of making the spidey blanket right now! Very cool!

  4. how sweet! i wouldnt mind a spidey blankie myself =P and the big girl blankie is so pretty

  5. wow my nephews would adore that spiderman blankie! I'd love you to link up at the blog party I have going on here:

    Jen :)

  6. Hi Steph: I'm Connie at, your new G+1 friend. I would love it if you stop by and be mine, too.
    These blankets are so cute, especially the spiderman. Thank you for sharing, so wish I could knit and crochet.

  7. Ahhh, who wouldn't want a spider man blanket like that!

  8. Love them both! That Spiderman blanket is seriously awesome!!!


  9. Ok... you just officially made the art of crochet cool to the under 8 male crowd! This is just amazing craftmanship and the little recipient is adorable! Thanks for sharing with us this past week!

    Take care,


  10. My boys would love that Spiderman blanket! Great job! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!



Thanks for leaving me some love.