
Monday, June 6, 2016

oversharer: feeling lost part 2

So we left off with taking a village on this post here in case you missed it.
This is an over share post with feelings, so if thats not for you this post isn't for you either.

Since we have had W; we have moved closer to my parents, hired a maid, been going to a therapist, and recently I have joined a baby hiking group. 


Yup! That's what I said. 
It's not just P and I making this work. 
I work 12.5 hours at night, so 14+ hours to get there and come home. If P is here he will watch W, but if he is at work (he works 20 days a month) my mom and dad will watch her. They are both retired and we dont know what we would do without them.

I have never been one to keep an maculate home.
This has caused several fights during the 10 years P and I have been together. Once W was born cleaning was no longer a priority and I just couldn't keep up. Although at first I felt like I failed at being mom because I couldn't do it all, I realized that I am just human and allowed P to hire a maid. I would not change it and now I have more time to worry about it.

Alright, the hard one.. a therapist. We have talked about going to therapy for YEARS. It's not that we are broken or that there is one thing wrong, we just want to make things better. At first we were going a lot and the communication between us became awsome and the fighting and frustration became less. We have both given up something in our marriage life and we are able to make things work for us.

In the last few months, as I wrote in the first post. I found a local hiking group where I can wear W, get our of the house, have mommy conversations and get exercise all at once. I love it and it has really changed how we do things.

Having these people in our lives has really been awsome and feeling lost I hope is a thing of the past.

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