afters: ( living room, guest bedroom, my office, kitchen, backyard, the NEW shed that peter and kendall built this summer and yes that is an airplane in our garage)
Kitchen: 1/2 way done, guest bedroom:complete, backyard: no where near, office: 1/2 complete( needs another coat of pain, this is just primer_ 5 coats of it) , living room: complete
So .. i know its been too long. I have been summer busy seeing how it is the 6th week into this semester. I told myself that I was not going to work on anything that I could not accomplish in a day this semester, but I just wanted to put up some update pictures that we have been working on over the summer. Seeing how we have almost owned this house for a year its time to see where we started and where we are.
here are the few before shots I do have: