Wednesday, September 30, 2015

halloween costumes of halloween pasts

As October is quickly approaching.. How did that happen?
ANyways, I was going through pictures of Halloween pasts and looking at my Halloween costumes. 

Let's get something straight.. I love Halloween, I love getting dressed up and I love making my own costumes.

So here we go..

2008: P is a pilot and I am plane decal; one of the pin-up girls painted on his plane. 

2009: We just moved into our new house and I found this dress at a thrift store. Pretty self explanatory.. Lucille Ball

2010: a 5 pack of crayons

and my individual costume as an orange crayon

2011: We went to a zombie themed roller derby bout in October and I made this whole outfit for $1

and than for halloween we did Super Mario Brothers + a 90's kid playing the game as a group costume
I was princess peach, again the dress was a another thrift store find

2012: the cast of Sleeping Beauty as a group
I was Merryweather, the blue fairy

2013: I had the help of my mom on this one and pretty much was still sewing this together the day of the party. It was my take on Ariel, The Little Mermaid.

And last but not least..
2014: My daughter and I as popcorn and a concession lady 

 SO there you have halloween costumes of my halloween past. I already have an idea of what we are going to be this year, but have not started to make them yet.

What are your favorites? What are you going to be this year?

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