So, this week with the help of a friend I was able to start taking some pictures of my growing belly.
Warning: I am being completely honest here since this journey is about me and so if you don't like it don't read it.. sorry. This is real life.
I decided to keep it simple with our ever changing $2 window from our wedding.
How Far Along: 12 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: My best guess (I don't know my starting weight) is 6 lbs from my last Dr's apt about 2 weeks ago
Maternity Clothes: I have some leggings, a sweater and a couple shirts
Stretch Marks: Not yet
Best Moment This Week: My boobs not being as sore
Miss Anything: Medium Hamburgers and coffee sometimes
Movement: No I don't think so
Sleep: sucks especially when P is home and I have a few days off
Food Cravings: Fruity candy and milk (during weeks 8 & 9 all I wanted were hamburgers so I good for now)
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: The smell of red sauced pastas (think spaghetti O's), I got sick off of them as a kid
Have You Started To Show Yet: I think I have, but everyone else says no
Gender Prediction: I think boy.
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button In Or Out: In
Wedding Ring On Or Off: On
Happy Or Moody: Mostly happy, but was very emotional yesterday
Looking Forward To: Seeing this baby grow
anything else you want to know?

So excited for you and Peter, Steph! :) -Sheila