Hi guys here is this weeks update
Total Weight Gain/Loss: My best guess (I don't know my starting weight) is 6 lbs from my last Dr's apt about 2 weeks ago
Maternity Clothes: I have some leggings, a sweater and a couple shirts
Stretch Marks: Not yet
Best Moment This Week:
Miss Anything: Corn Dogs
Movement: No I don't think so
Sleep: Sucks as per usual
Food Cravings: Fruity candy and spicy food (this is unusual for me)
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: I had a ham sandwich that i couldn't finish
Have You Started To Show Yet: I think I have, but everyone else says no
Gender Prediction: I think boy.
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button In Or Out: In
Wedding Ring On Or Off: On
Happy Or Moody: Mostly happy, but having very emotional days
Looking Forward To: Seeing this baby grow
anything else you want to know?

It's so exciting to see little changes. I hope morning sickness isn't too bad. You look great!