I went to the Dr. today and still cleared to run the marathon in 5 days. So excited..
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain/ Loss: I went to the Dr's today and I am down 3 lbs, I am not sick and I am eating I just can't gain the weight.
Maternity Clothes: Same; some leggings, a sweater, and a couple shirts
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet.
Best Moment This week: This week was scary. I started spotting this week and went to urgent care. Had a regularly scheduled apt, so I called and come to find out my Dr is no longer at this hospital. WTF? No one had the decency to call me and tell me this. Well, the good thing is I got to change Dr's and love my new Dr.
Miss Anything: Corn dogs.
Movement: No, not yet.
Sleep: Sucky per usual, Just cant get comfortable.
Food Cravings: Fruity anything, spicy food and milk.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: Not this week.
Have you started to show yet: A little bit, mostly at night or when I get off work.. might be just bloated.
Gender Predictions: I still think boy.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off: On.
Happy or Moody: Mostly happy. My hubby told me I was glowing this week,
Looking forward to: Seeing this baby grow.
How's your week going? Anything else you want to know?

I see a bump! Good luck on your marathon!