How Far Along: 26 weeks.. less than 100 days to go (98 to be exact) and the end of the 6th month.. whoa, lets slow down a little
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +13 lbs (from Drs apt 2 weeks ago)
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much everything I wear, I look a lot less pregnant in clothes than naked.
So, I'll keep my clothes on
Stretch Marks: Not yet, started lotioning the belly last week
Best Moment this week: Spending the day at disneyland and not having to leave early and beating my husband at the pool.
Movement: Oh yeah! I got to see the baby move all the time
Sleep: ugh.. its been hard the last few nights, nothing is comfortable
Food: Everything.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: No not at all.
Have you started to show: as mentioned above, I look more pregnant without clothes
Gender predictions: I am saying girl at this time (swing vote, sorry for those keeping track)
Labor Signs: No, I hope not.
Belly Button In or Out: Innie
Wedding ring on or off: on
Happy or Moody: Happy.
Looking forward: To some stuff checked off my list. I registered for classes this week. At this point I am really afraid to have this baby. We will see.

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